Password validation with min 6 chars, at least one letter and one number and may contain special characters
Another java script problem we are going to explain ' Password validation with min 6 chars, at least one letter and one number and may contain special character' .Below example simply add validation when you submit any sign up or other form using javascript .
For this we need to get val of password that user type in input box.i.e >
<input type="password" id ="lock" />
vaildPassword = function () {
var passVal = document.getElementById('lock').value;
if (passVal.length < 6) {
alert("Password is too short");
return ("Password is too short");
} else if (passVal.length > 30) {
alert("Password is too long");
return ("Password is too long");
} else if (\d/) == -1) {
alert("Plz enter at least one number");
return ("Plz enter at least one number");
} else if ([a-zA-Z]/) == -1) {
alert("Plz enter at least one letter");
return ("Plz enter at least one letter");
} else if ([^a-zA-Z0-9\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\.\,\;\:]/) != -1) {
alert("Some char are not allowed.");
return ("Some char are not allowed.");
alert("Great Password!!");
return ("success");
For this we need to get val of password that user type in input box.i.e >
<input type="password" id ="lock" />
vaildPassword = function () {
var passVal = document.getElementById('lock').value;
if (passVal.length < 6) {
alert("Password is too short");
return ("Password is too short");
} else if (passVal.length > 30) {
alert("Password is too long");
return ("Password is too long");
} else if (\d/) == -1) {
alert("Plz enter at least one number");
return ("Plz enter at least one number");
} else if ([a-zA-Z]/) == -1) {
alert("Plz enter at least one letter");
return ("Plz enter at least one letter");
} else if ([^a-zA-Z0-9\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\.\,\;\:]/) != -1) {
alert("Some char are not allowed.");
return ("Some char are not allowed.");
alert("Great Password!!");
return ("success");
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